Dream, Design, Build, Inspire

Justin Schmick | 541-465-8107

Our Story

Downwind Development is owned and operated by Justin Schmick. Our services were created in response to an ongoing problem Justin was encountering in his commercial brokerage business where his clients were having a hard time effectively managing the design and construction portion of their expansions. In some cases, a project's budget and schedules were spiraling out of control - putting the business at serious financial risk.

All projects have their challenges, but what Justin continually noticed is that the difference between a problem being a speed bump versus a road block, is how the client manages the design and construction team in dealing with it.

Most business owners only undertake a major facility expansion once or twice in their lifetime and do not have the time or experience to effectively manage all the details of a project. One bad decision can cost thousands of dollars and set back the timelines of moving their business. It was from this need that Justin began Downwind Development as a service for his clients. He manages the project on their behalf freeing them to focus on their business operations rather than the time consuming process of development.